(Oh, It's) Just me, my blog and I

I guess most of you might be wondering, why I decided to start writing a blog?

Well let me tell you...

In today's world as humans we are surrounded by social media, so much so that we become influenced by the things we post, the captions we write and well I suppose our profiles themselves; we create our very own media identity, we perceive ourselves in a way that we want the world to see, afraid of judgement, opinion, constantly comparing ourselves to others - friends, celebrities, you name it and yet we still find fault with everything we do.

Don't get me wrong, I'm the same as everyone else, probably more so (and if you don't know me, I would definitely say that I'm a bit of a perfectionist) - every post has to be perfect, every profile picture showing the best possible representation of myself and yet still I and everyone surrounding me remain unsatisfied with ourselves.

So why did I begin this blog you ask?

Well I guess I started it as a safe haven if you will, a place to start writing down my deepest thoughts, opinions and life - as often uninteresting as it may be sometimes; think 'I am Jenna' (and if you haven't seen Awkward, LEAVE NOW, jks pls don't but I 100% suggest you do!).

Now, I don't blame you if you take one look at this post and think no, this ain't for me, well that's fair enough, but I hope some of you stick with me and give me a chance, as long as you're prepared for all the inspirational quotes and awful puns I've acquired over my many 19 years. (Yes, I have been a genius since I was 1 year old).  I've always had a love for writing - whether that be stories, scripts, monologues or even lyrics; sometimes jotting down ideas can do wonders for clearing your head, sometimes it's late at night that the best, often the most randomest thoughts appear (Is randomest a word? If not I'mma use it anyway - add it to the dictionary) and I guess the decision to start this blog was one of them.

I can't promise you that it's going to be perfect, I can't promise you that from time to time I won't forget about it and go weeks without posting but I guess that's life isn't it? It's not ever going to be perfect and I suppose, in a sense it's beautiful.

Beautiful how each and every person on this planet is an individual in their own right - I think (to quote my dear friend Mr Jennings "speaking from experience") maybe we should start encouraging and supporting each other, rather than resorting to bringing each other down and that doesn't have to be just related to social media - it can apply to anything and everything. 

If I may be so bold as to quote Oscar Wilde, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken". I guess in a sense, I agree with Mr Wilde. It is much better to be a voice than an echo... actually, I think I might steal that as my new motto in life... don't begin thinking why, begin thinking why not! (You up to date with the bad puns yet?)

And so, after all that babble, I guess I've finally reached your answer, a simple two word question - why not? 

Until next time - Ellen x