So I think every girl has this moment at some point in her life; you know the one where you’ve been watching too many episodes of f.r.i.e.n.d.s recently to the point where even just a stressful lazy day and one single episode enspires you to have a good old fashioned bubble bath (without the navy boat!) but then after setting up the bubbles, getting a glass of gin, putting on a face mask, eating ben and Jerry’s ice cream and getting out the old iPad to watch even more episodes of f.r.i.e.n.d.s... it, then from no where, suddenly hits you - all at once... at a mere 19 years old, after only wishing for a happy life and fulfilment for all your life to realise that since the end of uni, all you’ve done is gain even more weight, become even more accident prone, somehow even more emotionally unstable, realised that you’re totally and utterly even more of an alcoholic, started to notice that you’ve wasted however much amount of time it is humanly possible before it becomes absolutely essential that you need to get another job in order to go out again and came to terms with the fact that it is beginning to look more and more likely that you are going to remain single for the rest of your life because you have no hope in finding someone who won’t screw you over (like ahem Daniel Cleaver) - it is at this point where you get upset at even just the app closing on my phone whilst I am writing this post that all of this only adds up to one thing - that I am BRIDGET JONES (well except the fact that I'm not 30, and I don't have two fit guys fighting over me - find the application here...)
Now this might all be bad - she got a job as a TV producer (yes she got quit to escape being fired but still), battled to find the love of her life who she ended up marrying, met ED Sheeran (yes she didn’t even recognise him but it is still up there!!) and had a baby boy (eughh yes I know she didn’t know whose it was to begin with but like still my point is there).
Now I might be fat(ish), have a slight current addiction to gin (outta all the alcohols and unless anything changes anytime soon, I am going to live a life where my major relationship is with a bottle of gin), enjoy having a bubble bath and be an absolute lazy shit when I want to be, but guess what - what girl doesn’t?! It’s only taken me half an hour of panicking and thinking that my life might not go anywhere that maybe it’s not the worst thing - maybe it’s given me the right push to get motivated and get my life back on track instead of living in a slump. Well I guess I’ll see how that goes...
I’ll keep you updated -
Until next time - Ellen x